Monday, December 7, 2009

Who Gets The Rose?

I was praying today for my future wife, whoever it may be. It feels kind of odd praying for someone that I may not even know yet, but I guess it kind of makes sense. I want to be ready when she comes by. I want to be set up, prepared, stuff like that. Even though that's in the future, thinking of then reminds me of the past. Brings back memories of me praying for that girl I was dating, or the one I wanted to be dating, or even the one I didn't want to date. For their wellbeing, their endeavours, their general life. Then it never felt odd, so why does it feel odd now? I guess then I knew personally the person I was praying for. Knew them by their full name. And now I'm not sure what their name is. Only that they're out there, somewhere, maybe praying for me as well. And that's a nice thought to a lover-boy like me.

Well, I said I might have a word to say on me and my cliffhanger ending on the 4th, and I do. And the word is that I'm not sure what I should say. Really, if we were to make a list there could be many. A list for girls I find attractive, for ones I think I have a great personality, for ones I'd like to know better, and on and on and on it could go. So I'm just not sure what to put here. One of those lists? Girls I used to like but am not sure if I still do? Girls I'd like to like me? Or maybe a detailed list on why I think that wondering about all this stuff is useless, and yet I do it anyways? I don't know. Do you?

Roses are #FF0000,
And I wonder;
Who to give mine to?


  1. That's so sweet. I wonder if my future husband is out there praying for me. But don't worry about fuures, it'll come soon enough and until then you'd only drive yourself insane wondering about it.

    And I think you should just say who =].

  2. I can't wait though. I would love to fast forward my life to the day I start dating the girl that will be my wife. And maybe because I can't wait I'll have to wait longer, but still, I can't just put things like that out of my mind. You of all people should know that by now. And I'm not sure what I should say, because as soon as I give it definition then that's it, it's definite. And besides, you wouldn't know them anyways, so what does it matter? Meh. Maybe. But I have so many lists.
