Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey guys. I came across this site for kits to build your own effects pedals for guitars and stuff, and I so totally want one now. There's a Blues Overdrive meant to emulate the Blues Breaker, a really popular (and awesome sounding) pedal by the British company Marshall, and it's only $70! (Plus shipping, and any paint or labels you might want to put on, solder, soldering iron, all that jazz. but right now I'm set.) I'm really hoping to buy one soon, for two reasons (1) geek cred. I mean, soldering together your own effects pedal? Awesome. (2) The guitarist in me wants a bluesy overdrive pedal YESTERDAY, and for only $70 this is a really great deal (that is, a great deal for people who don't mind soldering. See #1.). Jonathan wantz, NAO. The link to the pedal follows:

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