Monday, March 7, 2011

Dereliction of Duty

I've just had the thought that I've been neglecting writing for quite some time, and I've rushed straight into my pocket to write this post on my iPod. Not much has been going on lately, which is to say that I've been as busy as I usually am. I've got another guitar pedal build soon, because a friend commissioned me. I'm getting a new Camelbak (one with virtually no storage) as a backup/loaner/traveling bag, with a slightly smaller water capacity, because it was on sale for $28 and for that price I'd be crazy not to. I have once again finished The Historian and am halfway through The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest, and after that I'll probably read the new Clancy. My winter trips are over and now I look forward to Cornerstone, where I may once again ask for concert requests, because I thought it would be kind of fun. And so, really, it's life as usual for me, but it's not boring.

Here's to making daily life not quite so humdrum, and to hoping your life isn't either.


  1. I was just thinking of you! You should write more, I miss you.
    Also, look at my YouTube and provide commentary. Feel free to be mean, I'll be facing Simon Cowell soon.

  2. I plan to, it has just slipped my mind lately. And thanks, it's nice to have an interested reader, even if that's all I have. Though that might be because I usually don't bother to network on blogs.

    Really? Doing X-Factor then? You'll need some considerable skill in voice and guitar then. I'll pop on over and take a listen when I have the time.
