Monday, April 4, 2011


So I'm thinking of a re-design of the site, something more modern and clean, kinda like the new sidebar or timeslide view, both of which are accessible through my links down at the bottom of the page.

Second, I do plan on posting more, but I refrained from posting until today because I am also refraining from doing the Spring Blogfest, because I don't want to post mindless drivel. And now, on to mymain reason for posting:

While I only learned about this today, there is a movement called One Day Without Shoes happening tomorrow, April 5. It's to raise awareness and money for those that go their whole lives without shoes, see their video here:
I don't really leave the house much on Tuesdays, and I don't have much to donate, so I probably won't participate this year, however I hope you, readers, will pass the message along and (hopefully) participate. Lemme know how it goes in the comments.

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