Monday, September 19, 2011


It's the darndest thing. I've been sitting around wanting to pre-order like 50 bazillion games but holding off mostly because the launch dates are too far away (the closest one is in a month), and then had the thought that I had last year: I need a new coat thing. I have sweaters, and I have snow shells (which are all freaking huge on me), and I have one too-small bubble jacket (that one that people used to think made me look like a burnt marshmallow, SO WARM!). What I don't have is a trench. I started looking around, and then decided I should go for the shorter cousin, a pea coat. 


They're all too big. All except the crappy looking ones anyways. All that aside, I came to rest on 3 different coats, the first two of which come in smalls and are $100, but I'd get them pretty much as soon as I order. The last one is a little shady (china through ebay), but looks the best IMO and is also the cheapest, however it'd take a month to get here (and I hate waiting on shipping). I've pretty much ruled it out except it comes in XS.

In all, I guess I could drag myself over to a physical storefront, but I hate doing that, mostly because 1) It takes too long and 2) my mom is annoying about this stuff.

So, all that said, here's the deal: I would never have even considered one of these in the past, but I'm looking for some mild warmth with a bit of style, as opposed to the sweater blobs I'm used to and so, because of my difficulty, I present to you my three choices to ask for your input on what to get:

NOTE: I just noticed that I am in dire need of a redesign, I'll get on that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I kept putting off writing because nothing much had happened, until I came to realize that I haven't posted in so long quite a bit has gone on; So, here I am. I got a full HD monitor to use with my laptop, 360 and PS3, and it looks sweet. Finally got a new phone, started school, am teaching a friend how to play guitar, became a solo guitarist on Thursday nights as well as resuming Tuesday practices, in which songs for Christmas are already being practiced. Learned some new songs, signed up for spotify (it's awesome), contemplated and then dismissed hulu+ as well as netflix, really craved and am still wanting to pre-order rocksmith, assassin's creed revelations, modern warfare 3, battlefield 3, the metal gear solid pack, and like fifty other games as well as a PS Vita. Dead Island doesn't look as good as I thought it would, I'm hoping to become an Agent at best buy, just to have a job, and hopefully the upcoming NaNoWriMo will finally be the one where I finish writing my Aurora. Oh, and on the subject of books, I still love my nook, and blew through like 20 books in the span of a month. Last week it was all the harry potter's, and when you read them all back to back, they're still good, but small plot holes appear, as well as some stuff that's supposed to be new in later books but already happened in older books. oh well, whatever.