Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Music Man

Hello! This is actually more of a "I wanna post but what I have planned isn't ready yet" post, so forgive me if it's rather sparse. If you follow my twitter, are friends with me on Facebook, or even have read my blog for a while, you know that I'm prone to different art kicks. Sometimes I'll spend weeks only sketching, and then all of a sudden I'll start writing, or composing, or not do a single artsy thing at all for a long period of time. Recently, I've been on a music kick. Getting my bass skills up to snuff is important to me, because being a solid bassist can really help you be a better guitar player. So, lately I've been practicing scales -something I've always hated, by the way-, trying to come up with some good runs, and learning some stuff from Flea. I'm sure you've heard of him. The bassist from RHCP, played awesomely on quite a few records, has a signature bass, all that jazz. Anywho, I've figured that without submitting things for review, I'll never know what other people think of my playing and so I'm going to start posting things of my own composition as well as things that I've picked up elsewhere for your review. Bot for bass and regular guitar, please expect all sorts of tips and lessons on rhythm, fingerstyle, classical, lead, blues, and other types of music. This will be on a new domain, which I will attempt to route to here under a new music tab, we'll see if I can work that out. When it launches, please comment! Tell me what you find useful, what you find useless, what you'd like to learn about, all that jazz. And, please, if you find it useful and know someone that would benefit from this information, please direct them to the site! If I get enough followers, I may even get to purchase a domain for exclusive use. That would be so cool. Well, that's all! Keep a lookout for the new page.

1 comment:

  1. Loveeee.
    I'll direct myself to that site since I need it haha.
