Friday, September 17, 2010

Uhh... Stuff

Hey there! So I've almost got the music site up and running, I'm just working out a nice posting schedule so I'm set for a couple of weeks as far as writing goes. Aside from that, I've been working on my Photoshop skills, reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, playing lots of music, playing Bioshock 2, and messing around with an iTouch app called SpaceTime (it does Calculus for you. Yeah, you heard me). I'm kind of looking forward to Hollywood's take on the Millennium trilogy, but so far the Swedish version is really good (I've only watched the first movie, because I've only finished the first book). I hope they don't screw it up. Well, off to bed. Or should I say, off to read more until I fall asleep.

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