Monday, May 2, 2011

Word Vomit (part deux?)

I've been meaning to post many times recently, but just decided to put it off for some reason. I always had a good reason to post too, but now I can't remember. Got finals soon, and then school is out! Then, wait for it... CORNERSTONE. Oh yeah. So looking forward to that right now. My birthday is coming up soon too (go view my amazon wishlist if you wanna get me something), not sure what's going on there. I'm gonna be 20. Ugh. Something about being an age where English style suggests you type the number instead of write it out just feels weird. Read the book Moonwalking with Einstein, very good stuff. About a journalist who worked his way (in one year) to U.S. memory champion. Fun, interesting, all that jazz. Cut my hair. Got new silver ink for my quill. And I think that's about it.

1 comment:

  1. haha I like that you referred to 20 from a stylistic standpoint.

    Is it weird that I read all of these in my head with your voice?

    Yay finally cut your hair =]
    And what be your amazon link? email it since I never get notifications to these comment threads to the right email address.
