Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday - Morning Post

Hello, dear readers. I have been fortunate enough to not have any one burst into my room wishing me a happy birthday while I'm trying to sleep. Yay! For my birthday, I am hosting my own personal minecraft server all day, which started today at midnight. Going to see my dad, then coming back for a party (and might even go to guitar center, though if not today then tomorrow). There are, of course, some people that I want to be there that won't, but some of that fault is mine for not inviting them. I guess, despite being in my 20's, I'm still afraid to take certain risks. Sometimes, I really hate my personality quirks. Sometimes, I feel like they hold me back. Then again, without them there'd be no "me" at all, so I guess I can live with it =)

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! I wish I could've been there, I hope you liked your present <3
