Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Summer Checklist

Hey guys! So I've decide to make a summer checklist for myself, of things I wanna do before the summer is over. I've never made one before. So here goes:

- Get at least halfway through writing my book.
Note: the following is tricking from freerunning, NOT parkour.
- Learn to palm flip
- to palm spin
- to wall flip
- to wall front flip
- to Kip-up
End tricking
- to cartwheel (I still can't do one. At all.)
- Run a 6 minute mile (sprint speed, not average speed)
Begin parkour:
- to Kong Vault
- to Speed Vault
- to Dash Vault
- to run up a 10' wall (I can only do a 9' or so now, whatever height Mike is with his arms raised above his head plus 6")

And that's about it. On paper, it seems like I should be able to do it. Realistically, once I get some of the tricks the rest will follow, but I expect the most trouble from the wall run, and the mental issues with a Kong and the flips, although as I said once I do one flip I expect to have gotten over that, save for the front wall flip. Here's hoping I can do it!