Thursday, August 19, 2010


So, I tried my best to keep this from taking too long to load. Anywho, Paramore with Lexa yesterday was awesome. This is us, finally inside after about an hour or so of waiting in line:

I look like an idiot in this picture. But, anywho, about an hour after that the opening band played, and I had a feeling I might have liked them if I understood what they were saying.

Then this band called New Found Glory played, and they kind of reminded me of a rather weak blink 182. Fun fact? They played a cover of Sixpence None The Richer's "Kiss Me". That was fun. And they had a random guy in a green body sock on stage.

And now random pictures of the sun setting:

During this sunset a band called Tegan and Sara played, and they weren't too bad. No pictures of them.

And now...

Paramore! Yay! This was a totally fun concert, and they played for quite some time, somewhere around an hour and a half. Pics:

 All those sparks were the fake ending. If you've been to enough concerts, you know what I mean. You play a song everyone is content with you ending on, but not what they would've chosen themselves, and you walk off. In reality, you have two or three more songs lined up and are just milking the crowd for mutual enjoyment. Random note: I thought I'd have to clean up that sparks image to sharpen it up. Nothin' doin'. That thing has been unedited, just shrunk down in size to save on loading. Now for the real ending:

As you can see, their true end song was off of RIOT!, and it was "Misery Business". It was a good show. They even got a random girl from the audience to sing it with them. Kind of. The girl couldn't really sing. But it was still fun! I had a great time, and so did Lexa. Not many things could have made the night better. And now, I'll end with a random pic Lexa took of me on one of the lions at the Art Institute:

1 comment:

  1. Yayyyy! I hope those are up on facebook. I wanna save em to my computer.
    I think I might've liked Kadawatha if I understood him as well.
