Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Checklist - Nearing The End

Hey guys. First things first, we have a new reader! Hi Meg. Welcome to the storm. Now, on with the post:

You may remember my post Summer Checklist. I wanted to do all this great stuff, and I only kinda did it. Gotta get moving. I did a lot of work on planning my plot points and how this book that I'm trying to write will be written out, so now I've just gotta sit down and get writing. I've made zero progress in any flips, I still can't kip up, or pretty much anything else on my list. The only things on my list that I can now do are a Speed vault and a Dash vault. However, I did do a lot of tech projects, went to a bunch of concerts, and hung out a bunch with my friends. So, even if I don't complete my checklist, I'm still gonna call my summer a win. It wasn't so much about the end as it was about the ride, and even though the ride isn't over, its still been fun.


  1. HI MEG! =]

    Story of my life, I haven't done anything on my summer list either. Talk about failure. All I've managed to do is blow my entire paycheck at Borders and sit around reading for the past week completely neglecting my piano and guitar. At least I'm making a dent in the reading list!

  2. If you keep your guitar right next to you, you'll use it more. I usually pick it up whenever there's a rerun and play scales or chord progressions. It'll spread out your practice time, making it feel like you never practiced at all. And reading is fun, that's always a win.
