Showing posts with label Simplicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simplicity. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2012

Obligatory New Years Day Post... 15 Days Late

First and foremost, I want to mention the end of the lifespan of a blog I've read for about five years now, if memory serves me correctly. I believe there will be no more mentioning of the blog Cardiac Outbursts, and I hope it has served my good friend Lexa well. Through my time, I've come to see a blog as not just the self-centered ravings of an egoist (as I once believed), but more the public, and yet somehow private and personal, journal of a person that has the need to express their ideas, ideals, and thoughts to the world, even if the world doesn't read it. Just a shame the blog shut down before I was able to read the final post.

Now, on to the self-centered ravings of this egoist, ha. I had an odd year last year. Not bad, just different. Next to no stress, looking back I spent the whole year in leisure. And you know what? I'm not sure I like it. I got next to nothing accomplished. School? That's expected. Better at guitar? I expect that of myself too. Other than that, I am no more proficient in anything that is of much consequence. I wonder if this is how most office workers feel. In their spare time, not accomplishing much, and in their professional lives just trudging through. I certainly hope that's not what's in store for all of us when we move on to our careers, we'd go insane. I've long believed the majority of my generation has no real drive, dreams, ambitions. I've heard it said that success will only be yours when you want it more than you want to breathe. I, for one, don't know if I want it that badly. There are very few things I do want that much, and success isn't one of them. I wonder if that's a good thing. Wonder if that's what has made this past year feel so empty. If I'm ok with that. And, sometimes, if I'm the only one I know that bothers to think about these things. Surely I must not be, after all, although minds don't think alike they certainly call to each other in such a way that is immensely interesting. Do we seek out other people with similar thinking processes, or do we just discard all others in our minds? What shapes our circle of influence? Our personality certainly, but is that all? Is there some unknown that pulls people together, are we in contact with all those we are in contact with for a reason? I have some ideas, but as with all things I find interesting, no matter what I think about it it still makes an interesting thought to paw at in your mind, or out loud with another mind that also finds these things interesting (or at least will humor you by joining in your desire to suss this out for a short while).

Hm. This post went differently than I had planned. That's ok. Just think about it. I think self-reflection is important. You have to know yourself, and to know yourself you have to think about yourself. Why do you make the decisions you make? Think the thoughts you think? Do the things you do? Or, perhaps more importantly (and on the other side of the coin), why do you NOT do or think certain things? It's ok if you don't answer questions like this at first, but I've found it opens your mind. Leaves you freer to express, and more easygoing and calm when you come across a conflicting situation. Knowing yourself leaves you free to act (or restrain yourself from acting) when life requires an immediate response. Maybe sometime soon I'll reveal how some of that inward thinking shaped me last year, or perhaps I'll keep that to myself for a while yet. I'll go see what I want, a kind of (amusing) consultation with oneself.

This year, I think we must look in to gain a clear view on what we're constantly looking out at. Think. Please.

Monday, June 27, 2011


So, tonight is the night: pre-Cornerstone. I'll be glad for the thinking time, and i should be tweeting all week, but I just know what will dominate most of my thoughts, and that's kind of disappointing. Oh well. Once again, like last year, take a look at the set list and if you have a suggestion go ahead and DM it to me @leon_n_roses otherwise I'll just putz around. See you in the morning, if no other writing strikes me.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I feel like I always post about the same things over and over. I like a new girl (when don't I?), I just got something artsy done (which I haven't), I think something is cool. And, when I actually do have something good to write, I forget about it or put it off until "later" because I'm doing something, even though my laptop is like a foot away. It's kinda annoying me, and so from now on, I'm going to try my best to post whenever I feel like posting (and sometimes even when I don't), about whatever I feel like posting, regardless of what I'm doing. So, hopefully, you'll be seeing more of me soon.

Monday, April 4, 2011


So I'm thinking of a re-design of the site, something more modern and clean, kinda like the new sidebar or timeslide view, both of which are accessible through my links down at the bottom of the page.

Second, I do plan on posting more, but I refrained from posting until today because I am also refraining from doing the Spring Blogfest, because I don't want to post mindless drivel. And now, on to mymain reason for posting:

While I only learned about this today, there is a movement called One Day Without Shoes happening tomorrow, April 5. It's to raise awareness and money for those that go their whole lives without shoes, see their video here:
I don't really leave the house much on Tuesdays, and I don't have much to donate, so I probably won't participate this year, however I hope you, readers, will pass the message along and (hopefully) participate. Lemme know how it goes in the comments.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Arts Fridays - Themed

Hey guys! Not much work done this week, just a little bit of work on my itouch theme! A peek at the dock and some icons:

Any ideas would be great as far as icon designs go. Anywho, remember, as always:

Roses are #FF0000.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I stood outside, listening to the Melody Of Resolution from the Crisis Core ost. As I stood there, listening to piano and violin playing together, weaving a melody, with my head thrown back and eyes shut tight, under the faux-sunset effect caused by city lights, I felt peace. A peace that made me forget the chill, and wish I could stand there forever, just enjoying it. It felt more a chore to open my eyes and walk inside after that simple pleasure than any other thing that I've ever had to do. I don't know how you can find this, but I hope you can. Brilliant joy in simple things. Just let it come. Enjoy the simplicity. Roses are #FF0000.