Sunday, July 26, 2009

7/19 - This isn't home, it's just a place to be aggrivated.

This doesn't feel like home. Aside from the places where I can see the ocean and trees, this place feels like any other place. It's not special, it's not home. My home is with those I care about, and they're in Chicago. It's a shame. Well, it's only my first official day here and I've already been dragged about the whole section of old San Juan Puerto Rico. I walked the whole thing, can't stand to be here, and yet I'm expected to be happy. Yeah, I'd rather not be here. I would rather have gotten a new laptop, or a bass, or guitar, or even give the whole thing to some charity than be here right now. And that may sound horrible, it may not, but that's how I feel. I wanna spend my whole day shut up inside the hotel room studying and reading all the time, everyday. But instead, I'm being forced to go sightseeing. And yeah, that may be what they brought me here for, and I may have a totally bad attitude about this whole trip, but I told them I didn't wanna come and that they didn't have to spend their money. But they forced me to come along anyways. So yeah, forced to come along on a trip I didn't wanna be on I was planning to just swim and study. Well, they won't let me study and there's no time to swim what with them dragging me along on these little stupid outings. I hate it. On the bright side? I've bought souveniers for Jason, Chris, Bethanne, Ted, James, and Allie. So I hope they'll enjoy them.

Roses are #FF0000, and I wanna be home.


  1. You're still there?
    Aww I'm sorry your vacation sucks. If it makes you feel any better, mine did too!

  2. No, I'm back. Got back Sunday.

  3. Hey, thanks for that turtle! He's sitting on our bathroom sink, just thinking...Not sure what he's thinking about, perhaps he's thinking about being back in Puerto Rico!

