Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The colors hit the fan, and spread like my emotions.

Cornerstone was good. I picked up a bunch of cd's, a new shirt, played some buckbuck, and just had a great time. But I'm happy to be back. So, as I believe this post will be a lenghty one, I'll give a short prelude. Feel free to read only the prelude if you're pressed for time. Here goes: Cornerstone good, got some cd's, new bands, learned a riff, still have feelings (I know, I just can't seem to let go of them. Guess they really were real after all, despite what I've been telling myself), miss my friends, need a new EQ pedal for my guitar, and yeah, roses are #FF0000.

So, on to the actual blog post, eh? I got two cd's from a new artist that I like, and I wanted to share with you one line as really profound from one of his songs. He said "just know that when you lay me down to die, you lay me down to live". That hit me so hard, I had to stop and think about it. Because it's true. As a Christian, when I die I don't go to hell, I go on to live my true purpose in my real home. This is just a place of holding, so to speak. We are just here to worship God and pass on the news of his saving grace, until our souls are required of us. It just set me to thinking is all. Finally got my new guitar riffs down pact by the way. It was amazing. I feel accomplished. Oh, random interjection, I'm very glad Hawai'i wasn't nuked. Very very happy. Ok, back on topic. (I know, I just lost a bunch of continuity. So sue me.) You know, some of the best times of my life, looking back, aren't the concerts I went to or my playing music, they aren't even (contrary to popular belief) the times I've spent playing video games. The best times of my life were the times that I spent with (I know, I just can't decide on my feelings, but alas) Allie, the time I was saved from my sins and eternal death, and the times where I felt the presence of God (trust me, you can feel it), and my time with my friends. When I was just hugging, holding hands, and things like that. I really do still care about her. And I don't think that will ever change. Which really really sucks. Anywho, I've been missing my friends as of late, namely mike, lexa, colleen (did I spell that right? Eh.), and a few others. I just wanna hang out. As I said, I need a new equalizer pedal for my guitar because it sounds like MUD through the sound system, and I've been putting it off for a long time. Well, that's it. Roses are #FF0000, and this blog was written with my new iTouch blogging app, blogpress.

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