So I start class tomorrow. Ugh. Should be fun though. Java programming with robots. It's a 3 hour lecture/lab though. I won't like that. I'll be needing coffee halfway through! It's a later class though, it starts at 1.
So I've been working on learning the Canon in D on my guitar, and the arrangement that I'm learning requires the D modal (DADGAD) tuning. The great thing about it is when you have no fingers on the frets, the tuning plays a D chord. And it sounds so pretty. Also lends itself well to fingerpicking, which is another area of practice for me.
Working on getting a consistent tone while playing the violin. It is a little difficult, but I'm determined to learn.
Had a dream for the first time in a few months last night. I was an investigator, and I was looking for someone. Went to best buy for some reason, and helped some guy find CoD MW2 on the shelves. Then something blew up, and all the color kind of desaturated and the brightness went down. I helped some people out, Kaitlin H from Von showed up with Colleen and I directed them out. And then Colleen threw herself at me. And the dream ended. It was weird. At least I didn't die in it like the last dream I had. But they're so random, and I have no clue why. I'm just kinda glad I only deal with dreams every few months, because they're just too vivid and real-feeling to stand every day.
Working on a blog post for reflections right now, should be up either today or tomorrow. I really have to become more consistent with my updates. Meh.
Well, that's all for now. No revelations for me today. Until next time, roses are #FF0000, and my dreams are #000000.
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