Saturday, September 4, 2010

Musically Challenged

Hey guys! It's starting to look like I'll be consistently posting on the weekends, and not so much Mon.-Thurs.. That's fine by me though. So, lately I've been trying more and more to write some music, and I have a lot of pieces floating around that I just can't really put down into one solid composition, which happens with my writing as well. I guess what I really need is to limit myself, because there are just so many cool places to go lyric-, music-, and story-wise that it's hard to not try and do them all at once. Maybe this problem only affects me, but I don't think it does. Aside from all that, it's also hard trying to get all the stuff together by yourself. With no-one to jam with, I can't just dole out music parts and have them play or sing the same section over and over again whilst I tweak other things. I need a band. Oh well, that's all for now. I'mma head off to bed, might post something else today. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your creatively overwhelmed. Hope you work that out. It'd be super cool if you had a band!
