Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out of Witty Titles

Hey there! I've been thinking that I probably should post about something since Sunday, but I never got around to it. Then Monday I got Uncharted 2, and that put me off until just now. I have to say, it totally deserved those 30-40 Game of the Year awards it got in 2010. Amazingness on a disk right there folks. Plus, they really should get an innovation award or something for using the PS3 way more efficiently. Bunch or geeky mumbo-jumbo that I won't explain, but it's good stuff. Anywho, after all that sitting around playing video games for like two days straight, this morning I checked out (once again thanks to my friend Mike) this thing called Tough Mudder. A 10-12 mile running course, done in the mud that includes 16 obstacles... Designed by the British SAS. It looks epic. Plus, they raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project, which is nice. Click through to check it out, you'll be in awe. They make you sign a death waiver and everything (just in case). Their website has a suggested workout for you, all about building some explosive power with great endurance (as long as you actually do the whole thing!). I could only do about half of it today... Ok, maybe I could've done more, but I felt like stopping, because I already know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Here's hoping I'm not, so I can do it again to try and do more!


  1. Wow.
    That sounds intense. I'd be really sad if you guys died in the process.

  2. I'm definitely doing it next year, not sure about this year. We'd do the Wisconsin in July if we did. And I'm sure we wouldn't die, it's more of a liability thing (the obstacles are hard, but nothing that would kill a healthy person).
