Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letters from Cornerstone

Hey guys! Im attempting to do this on my phone, so bear with me. Ive got no apostrophy key for some reason, so sorry. Anyways, Ive been writing in my journal a lot, basically blog posts that Ill type and photocopy onto here for you to see when I return. However, Ive got tons of down time right now, so Im posting the very first thing I wrote in it, and Ill add the picture when I get back. Ok? Great.

Letters from Cornerstone: Eve of Cornerstone - 10:00pm

Cant wait to get out there. Itll be so much fun! I did some thinking today. Im not sure whether or not I should post this, but I was talking to someone today (Sunday) and the shadow of a conversation called "relationships" passed by. Just an inquiry into whether or not an event was being viewed as a friendship outing. In fact, Id bet $100 that that person will within the next 48h have read this post. I wonder if theyre wondering. If they think theyre the person Ive referred to. Whether or not they think I do or dont. If theyre wondering. What that means.