Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 4

"A violet in the youth of primy nature,
Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,
The perfume and suppliance of a minute,
No more." - Laertes, 1.3.8-11, Hamlet

I've often wondered whether or not I am described by these lines. My thinking has led me to believe that I'm not, but I can't help but wonder. I have some major regrets, and some things I really wish I could change or fix, but I'm not sure I ever can. Maybe I'm not bold enough, or maybe I'm too unsure, but I've always been a romantic at heart, and I always will be. I want to be the guy that marries his high school sweetheart (which isn't gonna happen, sadly), goes dancing in the rain (even though I hate dancing), kisses a girls hand on the first date instead of her lips (which I've never done, because I can't even bring myself to hold hands on the first date), and writes those crappy sappy love songs (well, hopefully not crappy).

Anyways, tons more good music, And today's high was only like 104. As I write this laying in my tent at 12:39 AM on Saturday, it's 90, with like 70% humidity. So dang hot. Supposed to be more of the same all weekend. I kind of hope it pours, because even though that would mean it would be hard to leave, it wouldn't be so stinking hot.


  1. Is that about Ophelia?

    Gahhhh I would die if a guy kissed my hand. YOU BETTER SUCK IT UP AND DO THAT FOR SOMEONE SOME DAY!

  2. LOL, I plan to. And it's about Hamlet to Ophelia.
