Friday, March 5, 2010

The Arts Fridays!

Hey Guys! As part of something to try and get me started blogging on a more regular basis, I've started The Arts Fridays! Every Friday, I'm going to post something that I've been working on that pertains to The Arts. Stuff like original music, sketches, stories, things like that. I started working on a picture for today, but I forgot that as opposed to the 2 hours that I thought it would take, it's probably going to take more like 10 to 15. I forgot how long those pictures can take! I'll post it as soon as I'm done (At the very least I promise to post it by next Friday), but for now have a look at some older work, like the intro to Aurora, a sidebar that I drew, and some sketches! Oh, and let's all say thanks to Lexa for being the inspiration to this new trend! And now, here comes the art!:

Now to Aurora:

The sun rises on what promises to be a beautiful day. The soft chirping of birds floats through the crisp morning air as people about the city slowly rise from their sleep and connect to the Channel in preparation for the new day.

Time passes, the world goes on. At least, that’s what I’ve always been told. But how can the world recover from this?

Connecting to their favorite news station, the denizens of the city prepare to receive their morning news feed. Reports of the current state of affairs pour into them, are read over, then filed away for reflection on their commute to work. All that you would expect to be in a newscast is there: stock reports, weather, the current political status, crimes, and all else. This is what they receive: the economy was never better. Stocks are up, there are no crimes to speak of. The weather will be beautiful, as is usual for this time of the year, and the traffic is light. An almost perfect, and extremely charming, city.

The year is 2127. Over the past 100 years or so the world has seen immense technological advancements. The Channel is by far the biggest advancement of all, and some would even say the best. The Channel is a universally accessible media source, full of other sub sources, with which one can search for information, contact people, send messages, hold digital meetings somewhat akin to old video conferences, and many other things, like get the mandatory morning news feed. All this is thanks to a chip implanted in us at birth, so that we are never without access to information.

The standard news feed is interrupted and replaced by an emergency broadcast. Something about a man trying to disrupt the integrity of the Channel, trying to bring it offline. They say not to worry, the Maintainers are fixed on him and trying to bring him into custody. A picture floats up, representing a man in his prime, with dark brown hair, shallow cheeks, and a casual demeanor that could lead you to believe that this man is harmless. His only true distinguishing feature, and perhaps the most unsetteling thing about this man, are his heterochromatic blue and green eyes, which throw a sharp contrast to the rest of his face, a chilling effect. They're calling him Cethin, the night stalker. A warning goes out to be on the lookout for this man, and to immediately inform the Maintainers if you see him.

The Maintainers. These are the people whose sole duty is to monitor the connections made in the Channel, making sure all stays in order. The government champions these men and women as society’s watchmen, looking out for the people and their safety, weeding out those that will cause harm. I was one of them, a lead Maintainer. Now I am marked as this Cethin, out to destroy all the good that the Channel does. And this is true. I stand alone in my fight to bring down the Channel, because only I realize what others don’t: that the Channel is simply a means to control the minds of the masses, placing them squarely in the palm of the government and their whims. I am Ryan Elior Kennedy, also known as Aurora, and I am about to usher in the dawn.


  1. I love and know this part! I want to read more about what happens!

  2. I know! And I told you, they'll be coming soon! (But to your inbox. I'm not writing a whole book and then giving it away before I can even try and sell it!)
