Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blogfest Challenge!

I am now embarking on a new blogging challenge! Here it is:

  • During the months of March, April and May you must post at least one entry every other day.
  • It doesn't matter how you blog or what you blog about, all that matters is that you blog.
  • Branch out. Don't just post the same old entries over and over. This is a challenge, after all, so challenge yourself! Try new styles! See what happens!
  • Try to find at least one new blog to follow. Meet other bloggers. Network with them. Make new friends!
  • Feel free to leave a comment letting me know you're participating! I would love to see what you're up to!
  • I made a button especially for the challenge, and you can find it in my sidebar. You certainly don't have to add it to you site, but it would definitely earn you brownie points.

Does that count as a post? I'll say so. Anywho, look forward to The Arts Friday's tomorrow!

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