Monday, October 11, 2010

Odd Topic

So I mentioned to Lexa over at Cardiac Outbursts that I wondered why she wasn't at the world equestrian games. But this post isn't about her. It's not even about the games (which I really only put on when there was nothing else). I never really got too into horses. I've ridden one maybe 8 times in my whole life. When I see all that fancy jazz, I just stare at my shuffling feet because I have no clue what's going on, or why it's hard. But this isn't about my horse experience (or lack thereof) either. It's really about a job. See, when I was a sophomore in high-school I was out with some friends of mine when some random guy came up to me. I can't remember his name, but he handed me a business card and introduced himself, asked me my age, and told me that when I turned 18 he'd like me to give him a call because he wanted me to be a jockey for him. Now, IDK what that all would entail, but it can't really be that bad of a gig. Take care of a horse, ride him around a circle, give him some training, get a load of money even if you lose. All because I'm slim and light as heck. That'd be cool. I remember checking him out, looking him up, finding out he was a reputable guy, actually was who he said he was, all that jazz. And then my mom tore up his business card. There went that. Why do I bring this up? Partly because the horses spurred my memory (ha, spurred), also partly because there's a bunch of stuff I really wanna buy. Like the playstation Move, the makerbot, a car, some music stuff like a guitar and pedals, and a bunch of other stuff. Man I wish I won a million bucks or something.


  1. This was really scatterbrained.

    I could see you as a horse jockey, but maybe not a very hire-able one since you grew to be taller than 5 feet.

    I wanna be a billionaire so freakin bad...

  2. My brain has been having a hard time staying focused lately. And I know, I was still under 5' sophomore year though. Then I grew like 6".
