Friday, October 1, 2010

Rain And Storm

Edit: I used the wrong font for the "torm". Gotta change that. My bad.
Edit 2: All Fixed.
Edit 3: logo now viewable in an optimized rez (not full because full is HUGE).

Hey guys! Sorry, it's been busy over here. Planning posts for the new music blog (along with copious amounts of practicing, and playing Heavy Rain for the PS3) has really taken up my time. Plus, I spent an obnoxious amount of time on a logo for the blogs in the Ordered Storm network, so I didn't really have much time for a post today. Gotta figure out where I'm gonna throw it:

Anyways, if you own a PS3, you must buy Heavy Rain. Best psychological game ever. You gotta play it. Like an 8 hour movie, but one you control and you totally enjoy watching. It's amazing. Seriously. Well, other then that, I've got nothing to say. So... Whatever.


  1. Great work on the logo! I'm pretty sure I'll need your help figuring out how to fix the team website...

  2. Thanks! Took me forever though. And that's cool, just lemme know when you finally get those rights transferred over.
