Monday, July 5, 2010

Week End & Relational Musings

So, when all is said and done, I heard a lot of great music, met many great bands, and got three t-shirts, a guitar strap, and a good cd out of the week. A twloha write shirt, and alive shirt by the same, and the Cornerstone 2010 microphone shirt. You'll probably -if you know me in person that is- see me wearing them at some point.

Now, I don't know if this is only me, so any male readers I may have please speak up on this: why is it that between the time you decide to ask someone out and the time that you actually do so you begin to over-analyze? It's like we're looking for excuses to not follow through. The slightest inflection change starts to provoke thought. Well, not really, but you get my point, right? It's stupid! And yet we do it anyways. Wouldn't it be so much easier if you just knew? And not in the the girl drops hints so subtle you'd need an accelerometer to pick up on them (which isn't to say that girls don't believe they're being clear. We just don't understand most of those "hints") kind of way. I mean in the put-up-a-billboard-declaring-interest kind of way. Yeah, so the girl runs the risk of appearing a bit outgoing. That's not really a bad thing. On the flip side is that the girl may think that making us play the game is really fun, and if we won't play we're not worth their time. And that can be true sometimes. But better hints would be nice. At the very least.


  1. I got nothing on this, as I'm not a guy.

  2. You can still input, it'd just have to be from the girl's point of view.
