Thursday, July 1, 2010

day 4 - fireside

i get a lot of good thinking done here. when i get married to my future wife (whoever that may be) let it be known to her that today, the first of july in 2010, i declare that wherever we live, i will have a place to watch my fire. if youve never done it before, next time theres a real wood fire, in a pit or surrounded by rocks, sit down and gaze into the depths. get some thinking done. work out some internal conflicts. if youre single, decide what you want in a partner. taken? think of something nice to do fot that special someone. whatever you do, make it some good thinking. it works out well. anywho, the skillet concert was awesome, as always. got crowder tomorrow. for right now though, its me, the fire, and my private thoughts. heres hoping one day theyre not only thoughts, yeah? =)


  1. Hahaha you better get a fireplace then.
    You're so poetic lately.
    I think that your fire-watching is the equivalent of my tanning: both are great for relaxing and clearing your mind.

  2. or a backyard pit. and thanks? maybe its the writing cutbacks fault. or camping. or something else. and ive never really gone and tanned, so i wouldnt know.
