Saturday, July 10, 2010

Post #101

I am currently having issues figuring out a good way to host the puzzles I have, as hosting them on blogger would make things way too easy. I'm shooting for an ouverture-facile type puzzle, just not in such a grand scale. So, while I figure that out, I've pointed some people over to my blog (mostly those that I know will at least read it this once) to read this post. Now, because those puzzles are going to take time, and those people (alongside you, my dedicated regulars) need something to commemorate this 101st post, I'm going to do something that I've done a number of times before, and point you to my formspring box on the side, where you can ask me any question your heart desires, and I will answer it truthfully. What? That's not special? Ok, if you insist, you can also send a more private (read: one that you wouldn't want others to know you're asking) question to my email address. This can be a direct email, and I'd kind of prefer it that way, but if you must remain anonymous, you can send me an email through, just know that I'll have no way of sending you an answer, so I'll have to post it here. Then, at your request (through another anon email of course) I can/will remove my answer from the blog. I'll even answer you more than one question if you'd like. And, you can milk the system by asking two q's on formspring (1 anon 1 not), a direct email, and an anon email. Sound good? Great. If not, ask me that burning question you have anyways (or one not so burning, if you don't have any burning questions for me), and then sit around for those puzzles. They'll be coming soon.

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