Friday, April 16, 2010

New Sketches

So I didn't do any writing this week. But I did tons of sketching. These are my three best pieces so far, so I figured I'd post them. This first is a vial that I drew weeks ago but that was when the scanner wasn't working:

These next two are sketches of images:

The one directly above this is actually a sketch of my friend Lexa, partly done because I felt like it and partly because her birthday is coming up! (Btw Lexa, I have your b-day gift. Whenever I can get it to you.) Pretty good for only using a number 2 pencil for everything, right? I should get a pencil set.

Anywho, that's all for this The Arts Friday. Hope you enjoyed it!

Roses are #FF0000


  1. AHHH! That's so cute! Thank you Jon! =]
    Annnnnd you didn't have to get me anything. >.< But we'll figure out when you can come visit. Hopefully soon. It depends on how dedicated I am to schoolwork this week.

  2. Np. I enjoyed doing it. Took a while though. I have the original for you as well.
