Friday, April 30, 2010

Swirling Consciousness

Hey guys! I just got home from getting my wisdom teeth removed. I feel a little dizzy, but that's about it. I've been thinking a lot about feelings lately (mainly love), and wondering about its intricacies, and ended up starting to write a song about it. It's not done yet, and I haven't yet even decided on a key, but I do know that's it's gonna be a blues song. Not sure if I'll do standard 12-bar blues though. Anyways, here's what I've got so far:
Sitting alone in your quiet hour
Wond'ring what it takes to make love flower

Maybe you wonder if it's just for the pleasure
Or it's something deeper,something science can't measure

I'm trying to tell you it's a worthy decision
But don't try too much; It'll be your religion

Sitting alone in your quiet hour
Wond'ring what it takes to make love flower

Maybe the rebound is your saving grace
It's really just you trying not to lose face
That's all I've got so far guys. I'll get around to finishing it and making my riffs in a few days. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you take the words to heart, because every word in it is true.

Roses are #FF0000

1 comment:

  1. Love has been really depressing lately.
    I enjoyed the lyrics though! =] Very ponderous, if that's a word.
