Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Did more sketching today. Also started reading a new Saintcrow book (new to me, old in print) called Working For The Devil. Good read so far. Anywho, thought I'd show you guys my setup.

This is my pc, up on the right is the scanner that finally started working again. If you're wondering why I have two mice, the lower one is my wireless mouse, and moves the cursor at a much faster rate than the other mouse. As such, it is less accurate, so I have some software that kicks in to slow that mouse for accuracy, but the other mouse is still more accurate, so I use it for detail work. I do my sketching at that desk/in my room. For outlining/tracing, I kludged myself together a light table, shown here:

Now what this does is allow me to place an image and paper together on the table, flick on the light, and have it reveal to me the image underneath the blank paper. This let's me outline or trace, and (what I usually do) attempt to re-create the proccess by which the other image was drawn, or how I would draw the image if I were sitting in the scene.

Anyways, I'll be working on some more for Friday, and I hope you guys have a great day.

Roses are #FF0000

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