I'm still deciding on what I want the new layout to look like for the blog. And what the new title should be. But I'm not so sure yet. So this is the temp. layout. I've also been wondering (again) about how the narrative of my book should be, because right now I have to jump through hoops just to explain stuff, whereas with other styles of narration it would be so much easier. That, and I need to sit down and write out a whole storyline, because while I like just writing and letting the story flow, I also would like to leave those subtle plot hints that when someone re-reads a book makes them enjoy the book that much more. I hope I can do it.
Anywho, I picked up some new CD's the other day. They're all good, and I thought I'd make mention of them here. My Paper Heart by Francesca Battistelli, which has a rather unique sound that I like, The Invitation by Meredith Andrews, a Chicago artist that puts out some good stuff, and even though I don't listen to Paramore, I picked up the Paramore Piano Tribute CD by the Piano Tribute Players and the Strung Out On Paramore tribute CD by the Vitamin String Quartet. It's a good bit of acoustic rock, and you should check it out.
There's a bit more, but if I post it now then I won't have anything to talk about later! And who knows what I may be crazy enough to post when I come back home Friday tripped out on twelve shots of Novocaine and a few lung-fulls of Nitrous Oxide?
I love the new changes! It was a pleasant surprise to head over here and see it.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to listen to those CDs. Or maybe you can burn me a CD of your favorites.
Wowwwwww that many? I only had an anesthetic into an IV and knocked out. I assume they gave me novacaine after I was knocked out. You'll be lucky if you can keep your eyes open! All I did was sleep after that for about two days!
You got put out, so you didn't need Novocaine. That's $800 bucks more than what I'm getting. Plus, there's no guarantee that NO will do anything to dull the pain, but I'm hoping it'll put me out of commission. They told me to bring a CD though, because I'll still be conscious. And sure, I'll burn them for you.