Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Arts... Saturday?

Sorry guys. I was hanging out all day with some friends yesterday, so I got home on Saturday, and realized I forgot to post my work! So, hoping for forgiveness, here it is:

I also did some more work on my itouch theme, but blogger won't let me upload .zip files. Feel free to use any of the work I post from here on out for your own use, I just would like my due.

Next, I want to apologize for my non-regular blogging schedule. I kind of fell into a pit, where I told myself that I should only post worthwhile or profound stuff, and that led me to not really blog. As opposed to the release writing gives, I had just made a new strain. This strain is something I hope to relieve, and this mindset something that I seek to change by participating in the spring blog-fest. Who knows, maybe I'll even get more of my book done just because I'll be more in the habit of writing! Well, that's all I had to say for today. Roses are #FF0000, and remember: your blog is yours. Don't worry about the readers, worry about your writing. Readers will come if they wish.

1 comment:

  1. True that, brah. =]
    Who cares if it's meaningless?
