Thursday, March 18, 2010


NOTE: If I seem annoyed, it's because this post got deleted like 2 minutes before I finished it. This is a re-write.

Alright, I got an award! This award was presented to me by Lexa from Cardiac Outbursts, whose link you can find in my sidebar and among some of my other posts. Thanks Lexa!

Thank the person who gave you this award. Share 7 things about yourself. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic! Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award

7 Things about myself:

  1. I love the outdoors. Camping, climbing, sunrises, sunsets, hiking... It's all beautiful.

  2. I love art! Music, literature, sketches, photographs, paintings. You name it.

  3. I'm an avid gamer and a techie.

  4. I enjoy martial arts and parkour not just because they are fun and keep me healthy, or because they offer protection, but because they give me greater control over my body.

  5. I enjoy logic because it offers me control over my mind, and to some extent my emotions, but if you've read my blog, you know my emotions still get out of hand.

  6. I'm a musician and a writer, but you probably already know that.

  7. I have another blog, but I post there rarely.

Now to pass this along to 15 recently discovered blogs (sorry Lexa, can't nominate you):

I don't follow/read 15 blogspot blogs, so I'll post the ones I do (which is 2).

  • Chris over at the Loft, for his inspirational, thought-provoking, and biblically-founded stories/truths. Thanks man.

  • April over at Young with a Purpose, for many of the same reasons, and yet with a much different perspective. However, she doesn't post much.

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