Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So, I was writing more of my book today in a coffee shop. Nice, right? Anyways, something dawned on me that made me realize that I need to re-write my work. only a few chapters, so it's not too bad. I sat there, thinking, and a book that I've been meaning to buy called How NOT to write a book came to mind. While I was thinking about the book, I started thinking about (obviously) how not to write a book. I decided that continuity is very important, and it made me notice a huge flaw in my writing. The flaw is that I like to give action and conversations first, and then description. Know why that's a problem? Because it causes the reader to get confused. Example: imagine a person. Any kind of person, but it must be a guy. Pick one, any one. Now imagine him in combat with another person. I'd venture a guess that you probably aren't thinking that the guy is holding a bowie knife, has on black cargo pants and a form-fitting gray tee, is pale as the belly of a fish, and has thin, wispy blond hair. And weighs a 100 lbs with near no muscle. I'd guess that you also didn't think that the guy he's facing is a well-built mass of muscle weighing in at 186 lbs and is only wearing combat pants. Now the fight is over. I'd say you aren't thinking skinny guy won. Without any damage to himself. And he never even needed the knife. That the room they're in has red walls with black trim, the floor a dark gray sparring floor with padding, and a huge sunroof. My point is that unless you're amazing at guessing features, or don't automatically guess what people and rooms look like, and what outcomes are, you had to change a lot about what you thought in just a few sentences. Which is good sometimes, but bad wen you don't get a description of important people until like 10 pages after you meet them. So, I must now go re-write to describe people before you get too attached to the person you have in your head whilst reading. Sorry guys! but, on the bright side, Chapter 1 should be done soon because I've already re-written most of it. Well, that's all for right now. Have a great day, thanks for reading, and as always,

Roses Are #FF0000

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