Monday, March 15, 2010

The Pieces To An Unknown Puzzle

For reference: I'm not on a 48-hour posting schedule. I'm doing in by day of the week, not literal day. Now that that's out of the way, time to get to the actual post!

So, not much really happened today. I went to class, played some fallout, outlined some stuff for Aurora. I've got so many pieces to a story, a character who, in my mind, already exists. To me, his world is real. His values are relateable, his character, tangible. In my mind, I have his story, his old life. But, try as I might, I might as well be him when devining his future. I must manufacture it for him, but I also must keep his future within the confines of his world, even though I created it. I like where each turn could take him, and yet I don't yet know which turns he will take. Do all novelists feel this way? I hope so, because then that would give me hope for my book. As it stands, I have the pieces to a puzzle, but have no idea what it makes an image of, and what pieces should be used for this first book (did I mention I want it to be a series?).

Roses are #FF0000.

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