Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Long time no blog. Sorry guys. Not much has been going on. I'll soon be posting a new worship song on my reflections blog though. And should (finally, it's been like half a year) be done with chapters 1-3 of Aurora. Yay! I have too many hobbies. Oh well. Nothing on the love front. Nothing on the like front either. Meh. Can't wait to get Heavy Rain! It's a great demo, will be a great game.

Camp went well. Not too much happened there for those that the weekend was targeted to, in my opinion, but I'm praying.

Green zone looks like a good movie. Matt Damon + guns = blockbuster. End of story. Uh, what else... Hm. Well, what's probably best is to ask this: what do you want to hear about? And don't just say whatever [I] want to write about. I wanna hear it! So either post a comment, or pose it as a question on my formspring page,

Well, Roses Are #FF0000, and this custom is getting hard to keep going. I'm feeling normal? What's a "normal" color? Eh. Roses Are #FF0000. Deal.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like brown is an average color. Like a khaki.
    Uh yeah, it's been like forever since you've updated. I want to read Aurora and let's hear about the adventures in your quest to play the violin again.
    And put up some calligraphy pictures =]
