Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Sight

Not much to report today. Wrote a little bit, that's all. Yesterday I went to get new glasses. My perscription went up a small bit, but that's not too bad. I actually was glad, because it made things a bit sharper. While I was there, I pointed out the fading coating on my lenses, and they told me they were defective so they replaced them with transitions in my new perscription for free, which was nice. Now I'm getting a pair of rx sunglasses instead, because I effectively have new glasses right now. They'll come in about two weeks, because the lenses are a special order. Ah well. I wish it were Thursday already. I hate Wednesdays. That, and I plan on seeing Lexa Thursday. Yay! Well, that's all.

Roses are #FF0000

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