Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Penny For My Thoughts?

So, Not much went on today, although I did start practicing my martial arts again at home. I'm rusty. I've been doing stretches to try and get my flexibility back up, and I hope my neighbors don't mind the fighting noises I make. Also, I needed my first jump today, and looked like an idiot at an intersection. See, the car was working just fine, and then I got to my destination. I was told I didn't need to be there, and wouldn't you know it my battery had died on me! I got a jump, my mom called and yelled at me (she thinks it's my fault, even though she's the one who never replaced the battery in like 5 years), I got nervous, and then I came up on a camera intersection. The little guy on the side still said walk, so I still had time to go through my green light, right? Wrong. As soon as I hit the crosswalk, the light skips from green to red, causing my already nervous self to panic and hit the brakes. I stop in the middle of the intersection, decide "I'm already through, I have to go" and luckily didn't get a picture taken of me, thank goodness. It was still annoying though. Other than that, though, nothing happened. I'm still figuring out what to do for this Fridays Arts, and have a lunch/dinner thing to go to on Saturday with a bunch of 8th graders, which should be fun (I'm a jr high leader at a youth group, if you're wondering). Well, that's all for now. Enjoy your night, thanks for reading, and remember;

Roses are #FF0000.


  1. I'd be freaking out if that happened to me and my car. I'd die. Literally. I would die on the spot.

  2. No you wouldn't. You'd just stay stopped until someone told you to get moving.

  3. Guess what. You got an award from me! Go look and be proud =]
