Friday, December 16, 2011

Paradigm Shift

Argh! Just read this article and it infuriated me, submitted this as a comment (might not even make it past the moderators) so I decided to post it here. Read the article, then this response:

I apologize for the TL;DR-ness, but your article was also quite long, so bear with me:

So while I appreciate the underlying ideas behind this article, I do (and I fully understand that this will cause my argument to become moot in the minds of some others) take offense at certain other points raised. Will I deny that seeing this portrayal of women in the mainstream of games is fine by me? No. Why? Because, wait for it: I am a male. That gender filter you claim has no validity for males is partially true. In the world, most of the time women are put through their gender filter. But you narrowed your scope to the gaming world, and, I believe, to hardcore gamers (or even more specifically, to games with a comic book/anime tie). If we widen the scope of this article to all life, we would be sitting around talking about how the masses assign others attributes based solely on outward appearances, so let's just stick with the gaming world.

Will I acknowledge that a one-sided (and one-dimensional) portrayal of women is the dominant paradigm in gaming”? Yes. It is the dominant paradigm. We'll cover that later. Before I say what I have to say on that, we have to erase your idea that anything a straight male gamer says is invalid because he is a straight male gamer. According to you, if you are a male, then your argument is invalid because you are a male. What? You fiat that most male gamers are either horny twits or white-knight idolaters (thereby still being horny twits, because they are idolizing this dominant portrayal of women in games). In doing so you have built an iron-clad reason for yourself to not listen to any opposing ideas. This reason is fallacious, but that hasn't stopped many others throughout history from holding similar ideas of different topics.

All gamers, and I do mean all (males, females, and yes, even you who is taking the “side” of the female gamer group) gamers need to approach this with openness to ideas. Does that mean we all have to drop our old ideas? Not necessarily. Does this mean we need to be unbiased? Yes and no. It does us no good if (as you desire) only the male group drops their bias towards this paradigm. Then we lose all ground we might already have, we are walking into battle with no counter-arguments. You also need to drop your bias, and until then we will be locked into this debate until developers stop desiring fast money (fat chance) or female gamers accept the status quo (which, we can agree, is just a little messed up). Now, with that out of the way:

"Women are represented like this because you're a male!" you scream. This is true. And why? Because the developers want to cash in on that. However, you do seem to dismiss franchises that don't objectify the women in it. Dismissing a counter-argument simply because it is a common argument is not a good way to go about debating. You must listen, and must address, otherwise there can be no constructive change.

Now, the point I made above about this being an article about hardcore gamers holds. I know very few female hardcore gamers. Why is that? Because other female gamers I know disagree with the portrayal of women in these games? No. It is because (as far as I have discerned) they quite simply don't enjoy the games. WoW? Starcraft? TRPG's? Gears of war? God of war? Assassin's Creed? Metal Gear? The elder scrolls? Uncharted? Portal? Half Life? Mass Effect? All major money makers, considered to be the huge hits (and aside from portal, all considered to be hardcore games). Is it because of their lack of objectified women? No. Look at Miranda or Liara from Mass Effect, or Chloe from Uncharted. Even the overly-buxom characters in Japanese TRPG's like Disgaea. Shining examples of your point if I ever saw one. Heck, even the female deck hand in ME2 makes herself an object. Is it because of the characters obvious sex appeal that female gamers stay away? I think not. CoD or BF or Halo or CS? Hardcore, but male dominated. Why is that? Most female gamers I know don't find sitting around shooting people over and over fun, and I'm talking about gameplay, not harassment. It is gameplay thatt drives what games are played. If females found the game fun, I believe they'd play the game and just mute the chat, not stay away from games. On your point about the verbal harassment of the female players that do: I agree, that should stop. The “offers for sex, threats of rape, sounds of simulated masturbation or demands that [s]he blow the other players” is rude and offensive, and we as gamers need to be courteous and not do that. Chalk that up to being a dominantly male thing for so long, as well as those men lacking the sense to remember that's a human being on the other end of the headset. Those gamers need some tact and taste, but then again, those are also the insufferable alpha's in real life, not the beta's your article starts off mentioning. As an aside: your girlfriend was “decidedly not nerd curious” and yet you dragged her along to comic book stores? Nice.

Onward to two more examples: Metroid (but the zero suit! Pfft. Not core gameplay, just fanservice). Zelda. But wait, Zelda is all about Link, right? No. The entire point is that Link must go save Zelda (it just so happens in order to do that he must save the world). But wait, isn't it sexist to say that the man must go save the woman in these games? Maybe, if you don't take into account that this story type has been around for ages, and the majority of women are just fine with it when it's not in a game. That oh-so-common knight in shining armor fantasy comes to mind. Accepted as a book or movie but not as a game? That makes no sense. Also to be included in this list are many other RPG's, as well as many of the games listed in other comments here (let's not tread the same ground too much, yeah?). Is all fanservice then inherently wrong? No. Why? Because without fanservice, we wouldn't have good followups to IP's, or most innovation (note: by fanservice I mean all catering to the fanbase, not just the scantily clad females to cater to the male demographic you point out).

Look at the casual gaming market: it has exploded with a multitude of fun games that people of all ages and genders play. Is that because of no blatant objectification of women? No. It is because those games are FUN. I don't know a single person that has played Angry Birds that doesn't like it. Am I saying that hardcore console/pc games aren't fun? To me they're loads of fun. To others? They're not. Why? Personal taste. You're arguing at once a paradigm shift and a thought change, which puts you into a bind. In order for that paradigm shift to be accepted, you need to change the minds that drive the current paradigm. Forcing that change will do nothing. I think, that as long as developers keep making fun games, all demographics will stop caring what women are portrayed as, simply because we game for fun, not to look at scantily-clad women. Will that keep those types of characters out of games? Probably not. It doesn't matter, because as long as it's fun, people will buy it. But riddle me this: if men are so responsible for this idolatry, why do women strive to look like supermodels? Because women idolize that concept of “beauty” or “sex appeal” or whatever you want to call it as well. The entire game market is driven by the fans, who purchase based on what is fun, not based on how many half-naked women are in it. If developers didn't give fans what they wanted, they wouldn't be developing for very long. Developers need to cater to an audience (and then make money to keep themselves alive), and they can't continue to make that money without satisfying that audience. So, how do we change this common (not really, most games cleanly avoid your “pitfall” of objectifying women) objectification thread in video games? By changing the way people think about women? Well that's quite a novel idea. I think, at your arguments core, that's what you're getting at too. However, that change will happen slowly, over time, and it most definitely will not happen by claiming moral superiority (your “my ideals of what gaming should be” and if you disagree you're wrong) on one hand and trying to beat your “opponent” into submission on the other.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

♫ It's The Holiday Season ♫

My deepest of apologies for not posting in so long, but you see, my time has been sucked up like jello by Bill Cosby. First it was nanowrimo (which I did... kind of. I didn't finish, but I did write some!), and then it was/is that great killer of social lives... SKYRIM. Still playing it, and Rocksmith, the VGA's, all that jazz. BUT! I'm posting now, so that's all that matters, right?

Anywho, I got this great fountain pen in November, a lamy safari. I loved that pen so much, I spent three days handwriting stuff and changing the way I write just to have it look nice. I say loved because *sniff* I lost it thanksgiving night at my grandmothers house. Now, the reason I bought that specific pen is because I can use my bottled ink with it, and it is relatively cheap so if I lost it it would be NBD, right? Right. Except I only had that pen for three days before it disappeared in a room full of people. I'll have to buy a new one, but I have it on pretty good authority that I'm getting the slightly better model as a Christmas gift, so I'll wait a little bit to see. Once I get my new pen, I'll up a scan of my new (for lack of a better word) font.

On that same thread, I really need to start writing this years Christmas cards, I've got a whole stack and haven't even started -_-

Enjoy this Christmas season! Look forward to another post soon, but right now I'm off to try my hand at making fresh pasta.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Social Norms

So if you remember my last post, I mentioned that I had to paint my toenails because I lost a bet. To be honest, at first I hated it. Now? I don't think it looks that bad. Plus, I still thinks it's awesome that they glow in the dark. Just why exactly is it that it's socially unacceptable for a straight male to wear nail polish unless it's black and they're a rocker/emo? The same could be said for a lot of things, really. I don't want to (doesn't seem comfortable/movement is greatly reduced) but heels used to be worn by men (renaissance era boots and such). Why no more? I hate dress shirts and usually stick to tee's, but they're all the same splatterings of color. Why is it so hard to find good, colorful artwork on a shirt (aside from a threadless one)? Because it doesn't look manly or something? Come on, seriously? If you attribute your manliness to the color clothes you wear, you need a new definition of manliness, stat. Just my random observation of the week there.

Next, ANIPLEX & FUNIMATION, Y U NO MAKE MORE EPISODES OF MY FAVOURITE ANIME'S? (Side note, why does my spelling of favourite show up as incorrect?) Seriously, you end them all after like one season, when the mainstream (and less interesting in my opinion) ones like naruto get 50 bazillion episodes and spinoff's. Shame on you guys.

I had something else to say, but I forgot it. Oh well. Until next time!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Uhhh... Yeah

So, I have a few things to say tonight. I'll go in chronological order, yeah?

First: I lost a bet. Not a huge like 50 bazillion dollar bet, but I had to paint my toenails. Like neon green. And I have to wait for it to chip off. The only cool thing about it is that they glow in the dark. Now, with that out of the way, we can go on to the second thing.

Second: NaNo is coming up, and No matter what it is, I've resolved to write. I'll try not to nitpick too much, because things like that are usually what keep me from writing in the first place. So, NaNo, here I come.

Third: ROCKSMITH. ZOMG, amazingness. I played it for six hours today, then went to a two hour guitar practice, and all I want to do is play even more rocksmith. It is super fun, and lived up to all my expectations. A video game where you actually learn how to play the guitar? WIN. What else? It has free bird. DOUBLE WIN. By the end of the week My fingers will be toast, and I'll still be playing. I love this game. Plus, the mechanic for difficulty progression is really good, and could make even the suckiest person feel like a rockstar. I know I do while I'm playing.

Fourth: My ATH AD-700's. Burn in period is over, and they sound amazing. If there was such a thing as an eargasm, these headphones would be the ones delivering each and every time.

Aaaand I think that's it. I'll keep you posted.

One more thing! I learned how to play Blackbird too (on my own, not with rocksmith). Awesomness.

Monday, September 19, 2011


It's the darndest thing. I've been sitting around wanting to pre-order like 50 bazillion games but holding off mostly because the launch dates are too far away (the closest one is in a month), and then had the thought that I had last year: I need a new coat thing. I have sweaters, and I have snow shells (which are all freaking huge on me), and I have one too-small bubble jacket (that one that people used to think made me look like a burnt marshmallow, SO WARM!). What I don't have is a trench. I started looking around, and then decided I should go for the shorter cousin, a pea coat. 


They're all too big. All except the crappy looking ones anyways. All that aside, I came to rest on 3 different coats, the first two of which come in smalls and are $100, but I'd get them pretty much as soon as I order. The last one is a little shady (china through ebay), but looks the best IMO and is also the cheapest, however it'd take a month to get here (and I hate waiting on shipping). I've pretty much ruled it out except it comes in XS.

In all, I guess I could drag myself over to a physical storefront, but I hate doing that, mostly because 1) It takes too long and 2) my mom is annoying about this stuff.

So, all that said, here's the deal: I would never have even considered one of these in the past, but I'm looking for some mild warmth with a bit of style, as opposed to the sweater blobs I'm used to and so, because of my difficulty, I present to you my three choices to ask for your input on what to get:

NOTE: I just noticed that I am in dire need of a redesign, I'll get on that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I kept putting off writing because nothing much had happened, until I came to realize that I haven't posted in so long quite a bit has gone on; So, here I am. I got a full HD monitor to use with my laptop, 360 and PS3, and it looks sweet. Finally got a new phone, started school, am teaching a friend how to play guitar, became a solo guitarist on Thursday nights as well as resuming Tuesday practices, in which songs for Christmas are already being practiced. Learned some new songs, signed up for spotify (it's awesome), contemplated and then dismissed hulu+ as well as netflix, really craved and am still wanting to pre-order rocksmith, assassin's creed revelations, modern warfare 3, battlefield 3, the metal gear solid pack, and like fifty other games as well as a PS Vita. Dead Island doesn't look as good as I thought it would, I'm hoping to become an Agent at best buy, just to have a job, and hopefully the upcoming NaNoWriMo will finally be the one where I finish writing my Aurora. Oh, and on the subject of books, I still love my nook, and blew through like 20 books in the span of a month. Last week it was all the harry potter's, and when you read them all back to back, they're still good, but small plot holes appear, as well as some stuff that's supposed to be new in later books but already happened in older books. oh well, whatever.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nook STR - A non-exhaustive review

So I've been suckered in to a new reality/contest show: The Glee Project. I've come in late in the game, but it's still a really good show on the Oxygen network. Go watch it, tonight's episode (sexuality) was awesome, and I really respect this one guy on there, you'll know who I mean if you see the episode. But now, down to business:

The Nook. Long story short: I love it. I still have my paper library, and I'll never give that up. But now? Digital is for me. What I'll probably do (until the price of e-books drops to cheaper than a paperback) is buy the physical book, and then download the e-book (technically it is "stealing", but under digital rights rules you are allowed to make or download digital backups of physical media that you actually own, so there). Readability is great, I flew through two 200 page books and a 40 page mini-story yesterday, no problem. All without having to swap physical media! --Which is so what I wanted-- Now, what irks me is that they didn't spend another $.02 throwing in a LED with a switch so I can read without lugging around a book light, but you can't have everything. Also, fleshing out the web browser would be really nice. It does a lot, but gets hung up on pictures that are also links (which, in all fairness, shouldn't bother me because it officially doesn't have an advertised web browser). Maybe I'll root it after all... But for now, It'll stay vanilla. A random plus? I can upload my own screen-savers to it. Yay!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hello there. This is going to be a jumble of thoughts, so if they randomly change without transitions don't kill me. Anyways, my brain has finally clicked and made a minuscule and at the same time massive distinction, and it was such a relief. It's going to make things a lot easier now, and hopefully I won't have anymore weird heart things going on anymore for the foreseeable future.

Also, I caved and ordered a nook. Should come in soon, and then I'm gonna spend a whole post telling you all about it. My two justifications for buying one? I wanted it, and it should save me money when I now buy e-textbooks and stuff.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


It's amazing how clean a bit of dirt can make you feel. I won't go into details, but while I still kind of feel like I did last post, a huge weight has been lifted from me. Whether or not it settles back down is yet to be seen, but for now, I'll take what I can get. It just gets hard sometimes, you know? Stuff from the past rears its ugly head, and you don't always have the easiest time knocking it back down. Dirt is great at doing that for you, puts the past in perspective.

Anyways, hung out with some friends tonight, hit up the BWW, went for a swim. A good time, if you ask me. Gonna hang out with Lexa on Tuesday, which should also be pretty fun.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Remember, Remember

I'm a coward. And a hypocrite. I hide behind my printed words, and never speak what I mean out loud. I sit and hope and think and brood and dream, and I pretend nothing is happening. Sometimes, I just wish someone would sit me down and not let me leave until I've told the whole truth about what I feel. That scares me. There are some things that I don't even want to admit to myself, let alone anyone else. There are some things I've even tried keeping secret from God, even though I know he knows all. My deepest, darkest secret is something I want to forever hide away and proclaim from the rooftops. I remember, and I wish I could forget. Ignorance really is bliss, but I am no longer ignorant. I. Am. Sad. And happy. Alone, and in a multitude. Cowardly, courageous, needy and aloof. I am a dichotomy, a true Taurus/Gemini (though I hold no stock in astrology). I want to share my secrets, but I'm too afraid to confide in anyone. I've been hurt, and have done my fair share of hurting, with a stone face and weeping heart. This is my journal, diary, confidant, sanity. And yet, I can't even tell it what I truly feel. I was trapped in the past tonight, and it was glorious and horrible. My own heart was revealed to me, and what I remembered made me want to forget, as well as lose myself. I hate that. Why can't I decide? Is my decision already made? Am I never supposed to decide? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'll live. It's easy to forget you're carrying weight when you've carried it for so long. And so, because I'm not strong enough to put down the weight, I'll carry it, and it will become slightly easier to handle. Good bye to night, and good morning to dawn.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 6

Last night. Tons more good music. Not really much else to say. What do you want to know? Seriously. I love questions. I'm out of things to write about.

Day 5

I am fundamentally opposed to country music. I hate the stuff. However, sometimes the lyrics are just perfect for describing how I'm feeling. I was at a country concert today (when I went I was unaware of the style), mostly listening because I wanted to give it a fair chance and partially because my friend thought it was good music, when the band started a song about lost love. And you know what? Every single word hit the nail on the head. I was probably more attentive to that song than I was to every awesome guitar solo I've heard all week, and I've heard some amazing solos. Hanging on every word, I thought to myself that they must have an answer for this. And you know what? After the whole sad part of the song, it ended. That's it. Really? We as mankind have had this love lost problem since the dawn of time, and the best we can do is say "yeah, it sucks"? BS! There must be a solution that isn't harmful to the self (because hitting the sauce is probably a "solution"). Whatever.

Anyways, something almost-hilarious happened tonight (or today, it is 2:20 AM). I'm camping with someone who leaves food out for no reason, probably because they're forgetful. Anyways, a raccoon comes up out of the woods and starts sniffing around their tent. All the while, my friend and I are quietly LOLing because we figure this raccoon is going to rip into their tent to get some food. It didn't happen, but we got a good laugh anyways.

Day 4

"A violet in the youth of primy nature,
Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,
The perfume and suppliance of a minute,
No more." - Laertes, 1.3.8-11, Hamlet

I've often wondered whether or not I am described by these lines. My thinking has led me to believe that I'm not, but I can't help but wonder. I have some major regrets, and some things I really wish I could change or fix, but I'm not sure I ever can. Maybe I'm not bold enough, or maybe I'm too unsure, but I've always been a romantic at heart, and I always will be. I want to be the guy that marries his high school sweetheart (which isn't gonna happen, sadly), goes dancing in the rain (even though I hate dancing), kisses a girls hand on the first date instead of her lips (which I've never done, because I can't even bring myself to hold hands on the first date), and writes those crappy sappy love songs (well, hopefully not crappy).

Anyways, tons more good music, And today's high was only like 104. As I write this laying in my tent at 12:39 AM on Saturday, it's 90, with like 70% humidity. So dang hot. Supposed to be more of the same all weekend. I kind of hope it pours, because even though that would mean it would be hard to leave, it wouldn't be so stinking hot.

Day 3

I was mistaken, today was the first official day of Cornerstone. went and saw some amazing bands and heard lots of amazing music. This guy, Phil Keaggey (I think) was just amazing. So much skill. There was some amazing violin-rock too. No cool t-shirts this year though.

Got some thinking done; mostly just sad reminiscing, but it needed to be done, I think. Maybe I just say that so I don't feel bad about thinking about it, but whatever. It keeps me in line, puts things in perspective. I just wish there were some things I could fix. And you know what? Maybe I could fix these things, but not without running a huge (and highly possible) risk of just making things worse, because right now these things only affect me. I hope. I struggle for the right words to put down here, and my brain races as I think. It's hard, and I can't adequately describe just how hard without surrendering two things I'm not really ready to surrender yet: some very private emotions, and the lies I've been telling myself. Plus, I don't want to sound like a broken record. I hope I can get to the point where I can put this stuff down, if not say it out loud.

Day 2

Well, today was OK. Supposed to be like 107 on Friday, which really sucks, but I brought my trunks so I'll probably hit the lake. A good Glenn Kaiser concert yesterday, and a good Crossing concert today (with some bad concerts, and a nice cover of Fortunate Son). I even heard a cover of Friday that was worse than the original! Been doing some thinking and talking, but have mostly been keeping my brain away from certain thoughts because I do and don't want to think about them. I'm sure it'll happen soon though, and when it does I'll just sit in a lawn chair for a while.

Well, I should get to bed. It's 1:11 Am here on Thursday morning, and the music is still going, but I've got to get up to make pancakes in the morning. G'Night.

Monday, June 27, 2011


So, tonight is the night: pre-Cornerstone. I'll be glad for the thinking time, and i should be tweeting all week, but I just know what will dominate most of my thoughts, and that's kind of disappointing. Oh well. Once again, like last year, take a look at the set list and if you have a suggestion go ahead and DM it to me @leon_n_roses otherwise I'll just putz around. See you in the morning, if no other writing strikes me.

Monday, June 20, 2011


So my brain is just a huge box of nothing right now. I think it's like a defense mechanism when I have too much stuff occupying my thoughts. I started work, Cornerstone in a week, girl stuff, gaming stuff, school stuff, future stuff... So much stuff. I want to just escape it all, you know? Good thing a refresh is coming up, where I don't have to think about anything I don't want to or do anything I'm not willing to. It's gonna be great.

Keep your mind clear, and ride the wave of life; things go better that way.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So, I was sitting down having a chat with a friend of mine, who I'll refer to simply as K. Now, K is one of my go-to's for almost everything, except one: relationship advice. We NEVER talk about it, beyond agreeing (or not) about a girl's attractiveness. Why? Well, to put it simply, K has never dated. This is something I kind of took as a fact of life, which is amusing and sad at the same time. Gravity pulls objects toward the earth, friction and resistance are in play everywhere, minecraft sucks up too much time, and K never dates. Imagine the internal riot of laughter (sorry K) when I discover why. K suffers from the irrational belief (and K knows that this is irrational) that if K goes to talk to any girl, that girl will immediately assume that K is attracted to them. And, so, unless they engage K or K has a really good reason to talk to them, a conversation will never start. In one sense, that works great. K is the ultimate player of hard-to-get. However, that's about the only (questionably) good thing it does. I felt like screaming "Just go talk to a girl! Do it!" But instead I simply stated those lines, and we both knew that that probably wasn't gonna happen. It works out in my favor though sometimes, albeit making me feel bad once in a while. K and I will occasionally be interested in the same person, and it's nice to have roughly no competition on that front. Sad for K, but good for me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 & Other Stuff

So here's the skinny (felt like saying that, and will probably never do it again): I am seriously considering getting a Nook touch. A nice, no frills, long battery life ePub reader that's light and small. I still have to test one in person, but I think I will get one. Also, this week is E3, a big conference all about video games. My number one thing to look forward to? The PSVita (the official name for the NGP). Only $250! So have to get one.

Moving along, seeing as Lexa was so dang excited, I'll give a little bit more on that thing from last post. I've officially hit the weird talking stage, or at least that's what happens with me. It's the stage where I worry about every single thing I say, plus how and when to say it. It's really annoying! You want to be smooth and smart and sophisticated and all that jazz, but in your head you think you're a bumbling idiot without the slightest clue. Conversation option comes up? Conversation about said person maybe? Or with said person? Instant brain overdrive over what to/not to do or talk about. Sometimes, I really wish I could turn that part of my brain off. Too dang annoying.

Also, Cornerstone is coming up fast! Set list is still kinda sparse, but I'll find stuff to do.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I feel like I always post about the same things over and over. I like a new girl (when don't I?), I just got something artsy done (which I haven't), I think something is cool. And, when I actually do have something good to write, I forget about it or put it off until "later" because I'm doing something, even though my laptop is like a foot away. It's kinda annoying me, and so from now on, I'm going to try my best to post whenever I feel like posting (and sometimes even when I don't), about whatever I feel like posting, regardless of what I'm doing. So, hopefully, you'll be seeing more of me soon.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday - Morning Post

Hello, dear readers. I have been fortunate enough to not have any one burst into my room wishing me a happy birthday while I'm trying to sleep. Yay! For my birthday, I am hosting my own personal minecraft server all day, which started today at midnight. Going to see my dad, then coming back for a party (and might even go to guitar center, though if not today then tomorrow). There are, of course, some people that I want to be there that won't, but some of that fault is mine for not inviting them. I guess, despite being in my 20's, I'm still afraid to take certain risks. Sometimes, I really hate my personality quirks. Sometimes, I feel like they hold me back. Then again, without them there'd be no "me" at all, so I guess I can live with it =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Word Vomit (part deux?)

I've been meaning to post many times recently, but just decided to put it off for some reason. I always had a good reason to post too, but now I can't remember. Got finals soon, and then school is out! Then, wait for it... CORNERSTONE. Oh yeah. So looking forward to that right now. My birthday is coming up soon too (go view my amazon wishlist if you wanna get me something), not sure what's going on there. I'm gonna be 20. Ugh. Something about being an age where English style suggests you type the number instead of write it out just feels weird. Read the book Moonwalking with Einstein, very good stuff. About a journalist who worked his way (in one year) to U.S. memory champion. Fun, interesting, all that jazz. Cut my hair. Got new silver ink for my quill. And I think that's about it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out of Witty Titles

Hey there! I've been thinking that I probably should post about something since Sunday, but I never got around to it. Then Monday I got Uncharted 2, and that put me off until just now. I have to say, it totally deserved those 30-40 Game of the Year awards it got in 2010. Amazingness on a disk right there folks. Plus, they really should get an innovation award or something for using the PS3 way more efficiently. Bunch or geeky mumbo-jumbo that I won't explain, but it's good stuff. Anywho, after all that sitting around playing video games for like two days straight, this morning I checked out (once again thanks to my friend Mike) this thing called Tough Mudder. A 10-12 mile running course, done in the mud that includes 16 obstacles... Designed by the British SAS. It looks epic. Plus, they raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project, which is nice. Click through to check it out, you'll be in awe. They make you sign a death waiver and everything (just in case). Their website has a suggested workout for you, all about building some explosive power with great endurance (as long as you actually do the whole thing!). I could only do about half of it today... Ok, maybe I could've done more, but I felt like stopping, because I already know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Here's hoping I'm not, so I can do it again to try and do more!

Monday, April 4, 2011


So I'm thinking of a re-design of the site, something more modern and clean, kinda like the new sidebar or timeslide view, both of which are accessible through my links down at the bottom of the page.

Second, I do plan on posting more, but I refrained from posting until today because I am also refraining from doing the Spring Blogfest, because I don't want to post mindless drivel. And now, on to mymain reason for posting:

While I only learned about this today, there is a movement called One Day Without Shoes happening tomorrow, April 5. It's to raise awareness and money for those that go their whole lives without shoes, see their video here:
I don't really leave the house much on Tuesdays, and I don't have much to donate, so I probably won't participate this year, however I hope you, readers, will pass the message along and (hopefully) participate. Lemme know how it goes in the comments.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey guys. It's been a while, sorry about that. I need to set a time aside for blogging, just winging it isn't cutting it. Anywho, lately there's been quite a bit of re-dedication in my life. If you follow my Twitter Feed you'll know that I recently re-dedicated myself to my guitar. I got a book called Guitar Aerobics by Hal Leonard Publishing, and it's 365 days of guitar greatness. Bunches of little exercises and licks designed to make you a better player teaching you some scales and chords, but all in an applicable manner. Just about the only things I have been able to skip because they were too second-nature were the rhythm guitar lessons. Everything else is good practice for me (the book starts at beginner and takes you up to advanced). Tip: practice something until you can hold a conversation whilst playing it, then you'll know you have it down. My next re-dedication is to my artsy stuff, because I've just neglected it for too long. Also, lately (as I'm prone to do), I've had those annoying "relationship pangs" that whisper I should be in a relationship right now. For once in my life, I told them to take a hike. They've rallied forces, but I hope to send them packing soon enough. Also, even though this was kinda forced on me, I've dedicated myself to actually using my bike this summer (I got a new one, btw), and working more on my Parkour. To quote a friend, "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym." While I know this to be true, I've gotta work on toning those muscles and gaining more. Partly so I can be vain and look in the mirror and say I look good, but also to gain mass and not be so weak (even though proportionally I'm pretty good in the strength department). On the plus side, I've finally broken 100lbs and can donate blood (something very important to me, because I've received transfusions before). Yay!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dereliction of Duty

I've just had the thought that I've been neglecting writing for quite some time, and I've rushed straight into my pocket to write this post on my iPod. Not much has been going on lately, which is to say that I've been as busy as I usually am. I've got another guitar pedal build soon, because a friend commissioned me. I'm getting a new Camelbak (one with virtually no storage) as a backup/loaner/traveling bag, with a slightly smaller water capacity, because it was on sale for $28 and for that price I'd be crazy not to. I have once again finished The Historian and am halfway through The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest, and after that I'll probably read the new Clancy. My winter trips are over and now I look forward to Cornerstone, where I may once again ask for concert requests, because I thought it would be kind of fun. And so, really, it's life as usual for me, but it's not boring.

Here's to making daily life not quite so humdrum, and to hoping your life isn't either.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pre-Valentine's Post

A few thoughts on the season:

I wonder if bars are annoyed that desperation day is on a Sunday.

I get most of my hugs from a bag of candy; more than people all year.

Despite the fact that I still like my ex, I'm glad we're not together because we're not who we were.

I wish I had more green clothes to wear on singles awareness day.

I actually like the day, despite my liking of the singles anti-scene.

I have a few friends born on that day.

I'm gonna miss the lame Spanish class songs.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I had a revelation today. I'm sick, so I'm sitting at home bored. I decided to try and finish a song that I'm writing (still no title) and thought of a song I wrote last year around this time. Then I tried to record it in February, and celebrated single's awareness day. I wrote some of my book in March. Wanted a relationship in April, was indifferent about May, had the camping/music bug in June and July, wanted to ask a girl out in August and September. Wrote more book in October and November, and got excited, then bored, sketched, did art projects, and had an idea for more songs in December. It's been this way since at least my Junior year of high-school. I've fallen into a pattern, and I need to break out. I like my artsy moods and all, but they're holding me back from making much headway in any one thing. Thing is, I have no clue how to go about breaking the funk.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I listened to that song on youtube and i really like it! Where did you find music like this? I'd never heard of the band before. Alsooo, do you have any other song or band recommendations?

I heard the band at a music festival I go to every year (Cornerstone) at the recommendation of my friend (Chris). Other artists that I like that you've probably never heard of are Andrew Peterson, The Letter Black, Marcel Tiemensma, Glenn Kaiser Band, and composer Nobuo Uematsu.

I'll answer any question

What is your favorite song or band? :)

This is a difficult question for me to answer, because I have many favourite songs spanning many genre's, but I'd have to say one of my most favourite songs (and one I never skip if it comes up on shuffle) is Song of the Harlot by The Violet Burning. It's musically interesting, and the words just hit me every time. Go listen to it if you can.

I'll answer any question

Friday, January 14, 2011

WikiLeaks & Me: Employing My Right To Be Informed

Edit: read this article too when you're done. I agree wholeheartedly:

That's right, for once I'm talking politics. I've been avoiding doing a post on this for a while now, but I'll post now, because I want in on this moment in history. To preface, I started reading WikiLeaks before the press took a huge notice of it. I read the documents and cables, and I fully support the leaking of this material. There is a fine line between protecting people and withholding  information, and the State has crossed this line, in my opinion. Just to note: WikiLeaks has leaked much about other gov't secrets too, not just the U.S. Another note: to address the Julian Assange issue: while I have no comment as to whether or not he should be tried (or is guilty of) rape and exposing classified information, I will say that his guilt or lack thereof shouldn't impact how you view the documents that WikiLeaks as a whole has released. "Don't shoot the messenger", or in this case, the fact that the messenger might have dirty hands shouldn't colour your opinion of the message. Now: onto the meat.

This is largely an agreement with the Can't hide love for WikiLeaks article, and I suggest you go read it. Our government is throwing a fit over what Julian refers to as his "Forced Move", which are the leaks. They seek to keep our (the collective America) knowledge limited, making us mindless followers of our elected leader. "You elected him, let him do his job" is what I hear the U.S. say. I'm not advocating that we all become nutters who think the government is trying to keep us all complacent by tainting our food and things of that nature (I know some of those people, and I wanna punch them in the face), but I am saying take a good hard look at what information is being presented to you. Examine the leaks, examine the response given by the U.S. and by the world, and decide for yourself. Don't be a brainless idiot, because then those that want to keep information limited have already won. Don't let them keep secrets from their own citizens.

On secrets, I feel I have to make a point about democracy. In order for democracy to work, the State has to be transparent to its people. The voters cannot make good decisions unless we know exactly what is going on, even before it happens. I'm not saying that the State should turn to other countries and say "Hey! Here's all our secret information.", and that certainly is a danger of being transparent with its voters, but we are a democracy after all, and we need to make informed decisions. That information should be made accessible to us, it's our right. Whether or not we use it is up to us.

A quick note for twitter followers of WikiLeaks, And what really ruffled my feathers the other day, is the Twitter Subpoena for all the available information of everyone who followed them. This includes (if possible) the ip addresses, usernames, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, real names, credit card info, and more of EVERYONE. Now, they're probably only using it to track the heads of WikiLeaks, but this poses an issue for me: I've always wondered if I'd ever need to hide my digital self from the State, and now it seems like I do. All because I did something like read information that should have been available to me in the first place, I may be on a watchlist. What's next? We round up everyone who has ever read a banned book? Knows how to secure information? Use encrypted communications? It seems rather far-fetched, and I hope it never comes, but what  if it does? There's talk of the U.S. wanting to give every American a digital ID, so they can follow what we do on the internet (the claim is so they can help fight fraud, which it would indeed do). If it comes to that, what will the uninformed mass do? Go right along with it I suppose. But I hope not. I hope we realize that some things are a bit too private, even though that may sound hypocritical. It isn't though. A democracy requires that our State be transparent, not the voters. That's what our bill of rights is for. I can honestly say that I grumbled when I learned of the Patriot Act. Allowing our government to search without warrant and detain without probable cause? That's a bit much. And yet, it was passed by both the House and the Senate swiftly. Where were our masses then? Remaining uninformed, I presume.

I guess, if you've actually bothered reading this far, your takeaway should be to be informed. Don't let all your media come from only one source. Read WikiLeaks, visit the BBC website, all that stuff. Even if it's boring, if it pertains to your privacy, read it.

One final thing: for those of you that don't read WikiLeaks, give it a go. Get informed. They have over 1,000 mirrors, but you can find them easiest at

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Secrets & Lies of 2010

Apologies for the late posting. I got tired yesterday. Anywho, this list is an attempt for me to start the year off fresh. At least, as fresh as I'm mildly-uncomfortable being. What follow are the secrets I've kept and the lies I've told in 2010, which I'm (as I mentioned earlier) mildly-uncomfortably admitting. Those secrets which I deem too sensitive didn't make it to the list, and I hope that you the reader will respect that, as I try and respect those who tasked me with their keeping. Some secrets/lies have been held back so as not to hurt others, and I hope you can respect that as well. Now, without further ado, here are the Secrets & Lies of 2010:
  • I listen to music that I wouldn't normally just to connect with others.
  • I write this blog for my readers as much as myself. No readers, no blog.
  • The whole week before I go to the beach or pool, I do only ab workouts: just to look good.
  • I have many unpublished songs and thrown-out stories, because they (in my opinion) either suck or are too personal.
  • I only send cards to a select few people.
  • Some of my friends really piss me off sometimes.
  • Some of my friends really sadden me sometimes.
  • I lie to myself when I say I'm no longer attracted to my ex.
  • When I play my guitar, I feel an emotional release that's like a high to me.
  • Sometimes I think I suck as a singer, sometimes I think I kick ass.
  • I stopped putting on cologne because I have no one to put it on for/no one would notice the difference.
  • I really do hate wearing dress clothes.
  • I didn't practice my violin nearly as much as I would've liked.
  • I hate that I'm not heavy enough to donate blood.
  • Sometimes I wish my pastor would stop asking me how God has brought me some emotion, and just let me feel the damn things.
  • I know I'm being two-faced when in my heart I wish one thing, but outwardly I say I wish another. I hate that, but I don't want to kill someone else's happiness. At least, that's what I tell myself.
  • I have virtually no means of self-motivation, unless I tie it to an emotion or a social interaction.
  • I get nervous a lot. I just think I hide it well.
  • I care about relationships way more than others know I do.
  • Sometimes I really wish I could relive some of my life, just because those times were amazing.
  • I use a quill because it forces me to think before I write. And it looks nice.
  • Sometimes I wonder if things would be easier if I had no morals.
  • There are some things that I really want to add to this list, but I don't want to hurt anyone.
  • There are some things that I really want to add to this list, but I'm afraid what people would think.
Well, that's as much as I feel mildly-uncomfortable sharing, so there it is.